It's not the book you read that will change your life, it's the book you write. Michael Heppell.

The Chain Diaries

... and the journey to get there.


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Why the Site?

To advertise my book.

There are a lot of books out there and more coming every day. The hardest part of the self-publishing process is the marketing. How do you let people know your book even exists without spending a fortune?
You get people, friends, family, total strangers if you can, to share and retweet your posts, promote your website and comment on the book.
The book took a while to reach conclusion, from beginning to end, and global exposure, through the internet, is the way to go. If you'd like to find out more, please contact me.

Books Published

Why I wrote The Chain Diaries

The Story behind the story.

There's quite a story behind how, and why, the story came about. A chance encounter between two strangers, an offer of assistance and the seed for a book was sown. It took twenty-five years to come to anything though. Click the link above to find out more.

Iran in the news.

Iran hit the headlines several times during twenty-twenty-two.

  • March - Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was released from the notorious Evin Prison after spending over five years imprisoned on charges of ‘plotting to topple the Iranian Government’. Evin, itself, top of the list when it comes to human rights violations regarding political prisoners.
  • August - Salman Rushdie was attacked in Chautauqa, New York. Though not directly linked, the attack has been associated with a ‘death warrant', a fatwah issued against him in by the Ayatollah Khomeini in early nineteen-eighty-nine because he wrote the book, ‘The Satanic Verses’. The fatwa has never been rescinded by the Ayatollah Khamenei, who has been the supreme leader in Iran since Khomeini’s death in June eighty-nine.
  • September - Masha Amini's ‘suspicious’ death, whilst in the hands of Iran’s Morality Police on the sixteenth of September, allegedly for not wearing her hijab correctly, resulted in nationwide riots and the subsequent deaths of over two hundred people. There were also deaths reported in Evin Prison as a result of the protests.

The Chain Diaries was sent to the printers on the 5th of August 2022, a week before Salman Rushdie was attacked. Contained within the book are encounters with The Morality Police, although, in the book, they are called the Pasdaran, a department of The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Angie, the book's protagonist also spends some time in Evin prison.

My Writing, Publishing, Marketing Journey

Book Projects

On the back burner

Some Author Friends

The Bankrupt Viscount
Caitlin Callery
The Bankrupt Viscount »
Lorna's War
Lynn Riggs
Lorna's War »


Steve was born in Crowborough, East Sussex, England in 1957. He joined the Royal Navy in November 1974, aged seventeen and served for twenty-three years. In 1997, he became a software, website, and database developer and did this for fifteen years, giving up to look after his wife, Nemone, after she had a stroke in 2011. He wrote and published a screenplay, A Million Miles, in 2019. In August 2020, he began to write the novel, The Chain Diaries, based on the screenplay. In August 2022, the book was ready to be sent to the printers for hard copy and to Amazon as a paperback or for the Kindle. His wife passed away in June 2023, they had been married for thirty-eight years. He currently lives in Hailsham, East Sussex, England. He is a member of the local branch of the Royal British Legion. His family live close by and he juggles his grandad and dog sitting duties with his attempts to write a sequel to The Chain Diaries.

